What is PLM Coach?
PLM stands for "Prevention and Lifestyle Medicine".
PLM Coach is a new online health coaching program run by UBC doctors, researchers, and medical students to help you:
Identify health goals
Take effective action
Our MD student coaches can support you towards more exercise, cleaner eating, sounder sleep, and more.
Best of all? It's completely free.

How PLM Coach works
Sign up
Check your eligibility by clicking below, then sign up by completing the short form. Our team will contact you to tell you more about the program.

Meet your Coach
When the next MD Candidate health coach becomes available, our team will connect you with them and help you find a first time to meet over video/phone.

Start the Program
Before your first call you'll complete a health profile that will help you work with your coach to identify and set health goals that matter to you.

Build health
Once your goals are set, it's time for action. Your coach is there every step of the way to support, troubleshoot, and help you stay on track!

PLM Coach is a collaboration between the research lab of Dr. Brodie Sakakibara at UBC and the Prevention and Lifestyle Medicine Club in the UBC Faculty of Medicine Undergraduate Medical Program
2329 West Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z3, Canada